hot and dirty in zone 9b

Vegetable Gardening

Herb Spiral planted!

So. The Herb Spiral has been planted and thus far, is doing quite well. Planted: tomatillos, watermelon, summer squash, basil spicy globe and genovese, chamomile, chocolate mint, lemon thyme, globe artichoke, rosemary prostrata, greek oregano, spanish tarragon, jalapeno peppers, miniature white eggplant and okra! Tulla likes it, at least!

Fukuoka: The One Straw Revolution

The little chiming noise is a tad irritating, but this is brilliant stuff.

Spiraling out of control

Starting the morning dumpster diving for 226 year old bricks is a fantastic way to start the day. It helps to have a 226 year old house being renovated down the street. It’s also good to know the contractor doing the renovation. Is it still dumpster diving if you have permission? I know some would quibble with that detail, perhaps. The bricks in question are the most beautiful bricks I have ever seen. They were obviously hand-built (by slaves?) and fired in the kiln that still sits in the back yard of the former French-West Indian style plantation home, built in 1784. Not sure what they were formerly used for (must ask J.V.), so enthralled and excited to encounter them, I neglected to find out!  Whatever their previous manifestation, they are now a most lovely and charming urban ruin of an herb spiral (not planted yet…but filled with a combo of soil and mulch and ready!) in Sisyphus’ Garden. Huzzah! Here are some pics of the process: